Check-In Information and Procedures:
Each potential resident needs to first complete a telephone interview by calling the admissions office. They will then complete an in-person interview when they arrive at Crossroads. There is no fee required to stay at the mission until you get a job or equivalent funding; however we do ask for an initial registration fee of $60 to cover printed materials and other goods. But, we do not turn anyone down on account of not being able to meet this fee.
To Check-In:
Call the admissions office at 704-484-8770 and complete the phone interview
Have all court dates and legal requirements settled or postponed for the first 45 days
Complete a check-in interview upon arrival at the mission
At time of check-in you must be clean and sober, and not in need of medical detox treatment
Things Needed At Check-In:
State ID (drivers license or state-issued ID card with picture.
Change of clothes (work and dress clothes). If you do not have clothes, then we will provide some from the clothing room.
Shower shoes
KJV Bible; If you do not have one, we will provide you with a Bible upon arrival.
Mission Statement:
Our goal is to meet, through the power of Jesus Christ, the needs of the whole person (spiritual, educational, emotional, physical, vocational, and social), so those who are hurting may become fully functional members of society and establish a personal relationship with the Lord.